First up, a personal favorite of mine. Dads Are The Original Hipsters is a blog maintained by Brad Getty. Users submit pictures of their dads being hipsters, and he writes hilarious captions for them. You all should definitely add this blog to your favorites, as it always provides a good laugh. Heres the URL and an entry to give a taste of what is offered.
Your dad wore a sleeveless jean jacket before you did and he’s got the homemade vest to prove it. Upon body diving into his denim street war suit, the sleeves of his pants jacket rage-sploded into a million awesome pieces. His arms were like Thor’s hammer because they delivered thunder-punches with the power of the heavens and burst through all fabrics that tried to contain them. His upper-body version of jorts also advertised his lady holders, which drew your mom to his side.
So hipsters, next time you’re knife deep in a seam of your Levi’s sleeve and you’re dreaming of how “badass” you will look with exposed arms, remember this…
You dad was sans-sleeves because they were just another thing in life that couldn’t contain the fury of manhood that he was.
Thanks to Big-Things on tumblr for today’s killer photo.
Best wallpaper ever!